I am an avid sport enthusiast. It really dose not matter exactly which sport you might embrace. Competition is a huge draw for my attention. It doesn’t matter if its soccer, baseball, basketball, football, endurance or a simple card game. It could be little league, NFL NHL or the Olympics. As a competitor I tried many sports, baseball, football, tennis, skiing, shooting, golf, etc to mention a few. I spent most of my life extremely involved with various sports. At the age of seventy three looking back with 20/20 vision, and lots and lots of trophies, I find that I lost and can’t regain the tremendous amount of time I spent practicing and participating in these sports. Time that would have been better utilized educating my self in other fields and following the Holy Scriptures that the Bible teaches us. Learning a trade or reading books would have been better. Yes, I am a winner, but winning is doesn’t do you much good after you get the trophy. As time goes by no one cares that you won and they have forgotten the event.
I spent a lot less time studying, learning, reading, and as a result I didn’t graduate from the University after five years. This fact is humiliating. By hunting and fishing, I missed a lot of time being with my wife and children which I truly miss. I missed what was most important. I had very little interaction with my relatives. I missed out on being a teenager. My involvement in sports kept me from thinking about things that really matter.
There are always lots of distractions girls, movies, cars, baseball games, football, swimming, computers games, the internet, family etc. Today these distractions have multiplied a million fold. No wonder people can’t find time to have a life, vacation or even more important to read God’s word.
You have to participate, attempt to excel, read and study and spend countless hours to be good at any sport or endeavor. Exactly what chance does anyone that spends Sundays away from church, the bible, or any form of fellowship have of learning about religion or God and Jesus? Yes, it would take a miracle indeed! You can not learn something by avoiding it what ever it might be. A trophy is great momentarily, but isn’t the rest of you life more important? If not, WHY?
I am not aware of any birds, insects, or mammals created by man! I am not aware of man creating another planet or universe! I am not aware of man improving our earth only the opposite! Sure you might not see God but you can’t see cold, heat, wind, sound, flu, act, either. The fact that you don’t see God doesn’t mean he does not exist.
I appreciate God’ works, each gift he made for us to enjoy. I attempt to photograph these gifts, not to make them better but in the possibility that one will appreciate different views or perspectives than most people see or imagine. I can never show the true beauty and uniqueness of any one thing or make them better in anyway.
If you desire God to save you, he will save you if you ask. It is a simple statement of faith in him and his son Jesus who died for you on a cross on Calvary and three days later came back to life and walked this earth then ascended to heaven to be at his father’s side. Only through this faith, admission that we are all sinners and the blood of Jesus can we be saved. If you desire to be saved and believe the above, verbally say out loud this Prayer.
The Sinner’s Prayer
God, I know that I’m a sinner and that my sin separates me from you. I am truly sorry. I want to turn away from my past sinful life, turning to you for forgiveness. Please forgive me, and help me avoid sinning again.
I believe that your son, Jesus Christ, died for my sins on the cross long ago. was risen from the dead, and now rules at your right hand in heaven.
I invite Jesus to become the lord of my life and reign in my heart from this day forward. Please send your Holy Spirit to help me obey You and to do Your will for the rest of my life.
In Jesus’ name I pray,
God will definitely know if you are lying and he will punish you. However, if you truly believe and have faith his saving you is just that simple. Make the choice to completely change your life and humbly ask God to save you.