Without air or wind birds would not fly, airplanes as we know them would not get off the ground. We can often see trees, leaves, grass, balloons, flags, flowers etc. blowing in wind and I am sure you have felt wind, cold, hot, or gusty on your body. We even see dust in the air. Yes we can see the effects but not the air itself with our eyes. Seeing and feeling the effects of his love for us and through our faith. God our father exists not only today but from before the beginning.
Human Mind Vs Rock Wall
I have often wondered why it is so difficult for people to believe in something that they can’t see or even have a picture of. I came to the conclusion that the human mind at times can be like a gigantic rock or a solid stone wall. A rock or stone wall is exposed to lots of rain every year yet little moisture is absorbed, the water just runs off the surface. The mind when closed likewise sheds information when closed without even considering its importance.
Take advantage of the moment!
Something may never give you another chance to capture the image. Recently I looked out my window and to my surprise I saw a tree loaded down with ice. The temperature was in the sixty degree range but the overnight temperature had dipped to freezing. A plastic Y water connecter had broken forming a winter ice storm on the tree. I skipped the morning coffee and grabbed my camera while rushing out the door. As fast as that was the ice was melting. I took about fifty images and walked back to the house. By that time most of the ice was melted. Three or four swallows of coffee and I would have lost the opportunity.
What is so important that it keeps you from taking advantage of what’s offered? Salvation will offer you another chance but why wait, we are not promised another tomorrow.
Got to Have Faith
I teach everyone I can the importance, impact, and value of a photograph or photography in general. I use a small insect that I am sure few people even know about. I describe the insect verbally as close as I possibly can. The insect is about 3/8th inch long, has little beady eyes, a wide head and mouth, six legs small wings, a hard shell, yellowish green in color, and a tail like an artist paint brush. At this point I have totally lost most people because they have never seen or know about anything even similar. I then show them a photograph of this insect. Several individuals have then stated it looks like some bug in water or a shrimp. I actually took the photograph of the bug on an oak tree at about 5000ft elevation when it came to a black light. Yes I do show this insect as much as I possibly can to emphasize that if we haven’t seen something in nature or in a photograph language alone can’t make you know what is being talked about. A photograph can be the key to knowledge.
Realizing the value of the photograph of this insect, it dawned upon me that this principal applies to knowledge of God, Jesus Christ, the bible, and all other people and events through out history. It is an every day occurrence in most peoples lives. This is exactly what every minister, preacher, lay pastor, or chaplain is confronted with when trying their best to deliver God’s word. You can read about people and events or you can be told about them but without actually seeing them our knowledge is limited or somewhat skewed at best. To further cloud the issues we know nothing or at least very little of the Spirit World. To make judgments with our human knowledge is inviting disaster of great magnitude. For sure the human world is nothing like the spiritual world. What works in one world will not work in the other.
We constantly accept knowledge of things that we can’t see or that are invisible and things that can’t be photographed. Some examples of these things are odors like perfume, scents like steak or meat cooking on a BBQ, a skunk, or flowers. Other invisible things like cold or heat, air, love, radiation, etc. So why is it so hard for individuals to accept this fact; we need to utilize faith as proof of Jesus Christ.
I like to use photographs of nature, animals, insects, landscapes, lightning, clouds, the moon, and the stars to emphasize God's Creations.
Photo of the image mentioned in the post above. This is a Nymph of a Cixid.